"Contemplation" Original Owl Painting
"Contemplation" Original Owl Painting
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches
Medium: Acrylic on Watercolor Paper (unframed)
Artist Signature: Right bottom corner
Artist: Hand painted by San Francisco Bay Area artist John Osgood
Year: 2024 as part of the Birduary Series
John's Inspiration:
Owls are fascinating creatures, embodying traits like silence, wisdom, patience, speed, and the skill of a predator. For this piece, I painted the owl in a color similar to the background to reflect its ability to camouflage and blend seamlessly into its surroundings.
Late at night, when it’s quiet and I’m deep in my painting, I often hear the soft hoots of our resident owl. I’ve tried spotting him with a flashlight, but he remains elusive—just as I imagine he prefers it.
Contemplation is about more than just the owl; it’s about the art of decision-making, the careful timing of choices, and the balance between surviving and thriving. It’s a reflection of the quiet strength and thoughtfulness we can learn from nature.