"G'day Mate" Original Painting
"G'day Mate" Original Painting
Size: 4 x 6 inches
Medium: Watercolor & Acrylic on Watercolor Paper (unframed)
Artist Signature: Left bottom corner
Artist: Hand painted by San Francisco Bay Area artist John Osgood
Year: 2025 as part of the Birduary Series
John's Inspiration:
I’ve got a soft spot for painting the little guys—warblers, sparrows, hummingbirds, chickadees. There’s just something about their tiny features that I love to paint.
This little bird is inspired by a Chestnut-Headed Tesia—an adorably round and tailless ground-dweller that loves to forage in deep cover, rarely venturing out into the open. Known for its loud, fluid “chee-leu-chee-wit” calls and sharp, high-pitched chirps, it’s got a personality that’s hard to ignore.
With a collaged musical note added to capture what this tiny singer might be saying, I imagined it cheerfully chirping, “G’day, Mate!”—a little reminder to go out and have a great day!