"Pausable Moments" Original Bird Painting
"Pausable Moments" Original Bird Painting
Size: 12.25 x 9.75 inches
Medium: Aerosol, Acrylic & Oil on Watercolor Paper (unframed)
Artist Signature: On the bottom right
Artist: Hand painted by San Francisco Bay Area artist John Osgood
Year: 2024 as part of the Birduary Series
John's Inspiration
In our backyard, two trees are ripe—the Hachiya Persimmon tree, with its bright orange fruit, and the Formosa Firethorn bush, bursting with vibrant red-orange berries. These alone bring in an incredible variety of birds: Cedar Waxwings, robins, nuthatches, finches, chickadees, hummingbirds, towhees and even scrub jays (though the jays are mostly here for the peanuts they’ve trained us to provide).
Michele and I often sit by the window with our coffees, watching this lively scene of birds eating, bathing, and flitting between yards. It’s one of those simple joys that reminds us how lucky we are to be here, doing what we love. Pausable Moments is about those quiet times of gratitude—when you pause, reflect, and soak it all in.