"Positive Direction #1" Original Bird Painting
"Positive Direction #1" Original Bird Painting
Size: 9 x 7 inches x 1.75"deep
Medium: Aerosol, Acrylic & Oil on Wood Panel
Artist Signature: On the bottom right
Artist: Hand painted by San Francisco Bay Area artist John Osgood
Year: 2024 as part of the Birduary Series
John's Inspiration
"Positive Direction" features a Black Crested Tit (Periparus melanolophus), a small bird that thrives in the coniferous forests of eastern Afghanistan to western Nepal. While this little guy is not from around my local area, I tend to get a ton of bird pics in my feed (no surprise). I’m always drawn to the cute little ones with mohawks. I think it’s because I’m always amazed how little beings so small exist and find their way in our crazy world.
It’s kind of amazing when you think about it. When I feel overwhelmed and lost sometimes, these tiny birds remind me to keep going, take things one step (or wingbeat) at a time, and trust that I am headed in a positive direction.